At Little Angels, we are committed to developing our team.  We understand that the quality of the education the team receives directly impacts the quality of education that the children receive.  We have created this pathway to support our commitment to professional development as part of our 2023 Teaching Strategy launch.

There is so much learning and development available on the internet. To save time and ensure consistency in quality, we have identified the best sources and rooted evidence-based practice that supports positive outcomes for children.

There will be extra learning that can work alongside this pathway.  The content creates a solid foundation of child development knowledge for you to build on.  As you work through the modules, begin professional discussions, and disseminate your learning, you may find an interest in furthering your studies in certain areas.  You can use your performance reviews and their goal-setting to track and measure your journey!

Everyone learns in different ways and at different speeds.  Everyone will approach this adventure in a slightly different way.  It is not a race.  Stay with each section until you are confident that you know why, how and what’s next.

About Instructor

+8 enrolled
Not Enrolled


  • 100 hours 0 minutes


  • 2 Modules
  • 15 Lessons