Title: An OFSTED lens on outdoor learning with Jamie Victoria an Education Consultant
Date/Time: 23rd November 4-5pm
Audience: SLT, teachers, Outdoor Leads
Session description: Exploring the vital connection between “how” children learn and “what” they learn. Discover how Ofsted examines the 3 I’s (intent, implementation, impact) in your curriculum and how a whole-school approach ensures a golden thread of success. We reference the inspection handbook and national curriculum to illuminate the importance of supporting pupils’ wider development and transferring knowledge to long-term memory. We’ll delve into the role of outdoor education in enhancing learning and cultural capital while narrowing the gap for all children. Find answers to important questions regarding the introduction of outdoor education and its impact on Ofsted inspections, backed by real case studies.
Course materials will be available once you have enrolled on this course.