Dyslexia – A crash course including tips and strategies!

Dyslexia A Crash Course! –

10% of the population has a specific learning difficulty which means that in every classroom there are around 2-3 kids with dyslexia.

I have 25 years experience of working with a wide range of children with SEN needs and the last 18 working specifically with children with dyslexia. I have a wealth of knowledge and expertise and am excited to support you in your journey to helping children with dyslexia to not only feel successful but to know that they really can achieve.

Join me for my MONTHLY FREEBIE session where we shall be talking all things Dyslexia!

What to expect? Here are you Learning Outcomes:


•Understand what dyslexia is and learn some basic stats!

•Be armed with some basic tips and strategies to support learning

•Feel more confident in your knowledge about dyslexia.

This LIVE webinar is perfect for anyone interested in enhancing their knowledge about the world of dyslexia! Parents and Professionals all welcome.

I look forward to being able to support you in September!

Thanks for reading.

Paloma Forde

Will this event be recorded? YES for a limited time you will be able to watch the recorded version…


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Paloma Forde

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