Get into Groove – Music and Movement in the Early Years


On-demand Interactive – Get Into The Groove – Music and Movement in the Early Years


As well as learning new activities and provision to engage your young learners in musical movement play this course will get you moving, laughing and give you that essential ‘feel good’ factor.

Delegates will:

  • learn new ways to engage young children in movement and music play

  • understand the neuroscience behind why these activities are beneficial

  • create lessons to inspire learning and engagement

  • discover more around educator well-being and child well-being

  • learn how to use simple tools to create an inspiring learning environment

This course will combine practical and theoretical content – there will also be opportunities to work with other educators on short practical challenges.

The course is linked to a community page where we can share and support each other to engage in future musical movement play and provision.


“Helen really knows her stuff. We immediately felt at ease and had a great time. Thank you Helen”

“Wow, what a course. I loved creating the dances with other teachers, my kids will love this”

“There was so much content to take back to the nursery children. I loved it!”

“My manager sent me on this course. I did not want to attend, I’m not very confident around dance and stuff like that. This course has changed that thanks to Helen. Every practitioner should attend!”


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Course materials will be available once you have enrolled on this course.


About Instructor

Helen Battelley

Helen is an internationally renowned consultant, trainer, author and speaker in Physical activity/movement in Early and Primary Education with an MA in Early Childhood Physical Activity and Movement Studies. Her training style is energetic, passionate and highly motivational. She has been working as a dance and movement specialist for over 19 years and continues to work directly with children. Helen is respected globally for her valued contribution to raising the profile of early years physical activity and reducing sedentary behaviours. Helen’s consultancy now takes her all over the world, from Malaysia to Dubai, from China to Romania. The movement philosophy Helen promotes is to embed movement within the curriculum and framework to enable a movement philosophy. “Young children learn through movement, early years practice must adopt an approach which is accessible to all”. The embodiment of her practice is to raise confidence in the areas of movement play and physical activity. The training Helen delivers ranges from supporting educators in developing activities to support the Early Years Framework, to working with coaches and PE leads to create a PE scheme of work and methodology suited to young children.

9 Products

+14 enrolled
Not Enrolled
  • £15


  • 1 hour 30 minutes


  • 2 Modules
  • Certificate