There’s a lot to navigate with nutrition and as a childminder there’s often only you to manage it all. In this session we will look at some of the main issues involved when feeding children and ensure you have some key take-aways to implement into your setting.
This session includes
- Nutritional knowledge – it’s a minefield of information out there how do you keep up to date and ensure the information is relevant?
- Balanced menus – how do you design your menu to cater for a child’s biological development?
- Promoting healthy habits – your influence in a child’s health is immense, you have an amazing opportunity to shape future health
- Resources and funding – how do you know where to look and how to access support?
Louise Mercieca is the award-winning author of How Food Shapes Your Child and is passionate about the early years nutrition message. Louise works as a Nutritional Therapist and Early Years Nutrition Consultant, along with creating educational resources and courses for a range of sectors. Louise takes biology and makes it fun and ensures that we understand enough about food to form healthy habits that shape lifelong health.
Course materials will be available once you have enrolled on this course.