The Effective Teaching Assistant Audit Tool


The Effective Teaching Assistant Audit Tool

This is a helpful, introductory course for SENDCOs and those who line manage teaching and learning support assistants. It’s linked to the full version of The Effective Teaching Assistant course, also available on this site.

The Effective Teaching Assistant Audit Tool course is designed to help you review your current provision, ensuring that you are setting up teaching assistants for successful and productive roles in the classroom.

If you are looking to trouble shoot problems or enhance the benefit that your TAs bring to students then take 10 minutes to have a look!

You can also use the tool to baseline your TA provision before you embark on the main, skills based, training course and then return to it, repeating the process to track and evidence progress after training.


Course materials will be available once you have enrolled on this course.


About Instructor

+176 enrolled
Not Enrolled


  • 0 hours 10 minutes


  • 1 Module