The Importance of a Nurturing Childhood

In this course we will be looking at what it means to be a young child and the growth and development that is occurring throughout their bodies and minds.  We will explore what this means to those that care for children during these foundational years.  And the support and guidance that is required if you are to have the lifelong impact on your children that they need.

With attention increasingly turning to the experiences young children have missed in recent years and the need to “ready” them for school, focus can become lost.  In an industry with catch up demands, Ofsted inspections looming and the demands for ELGs, the importance of a nurtured childhood can seem to become secondary.  When the real catch up lies in every interaction, every moment and every experience you are offering to the children in your care.

So, join me as we explore the importance of the nurturing practices that you offer to your children.  Understand the significance of the methods you follow and the importance of nurturing a happy and secure child – not simply a learning child.  And gain the support and guidance to become recognised for the nurturing practices you follow every day.

·       Top Tips for getting the fundamentals right

·       Without stressing about the things that don’t matter!

·       What it means to be a young child and the growth and development that is occurring

·       How to nurture happy and secure children

·       And ignite the early stages of learning

·       Strategies for sharing all this with your parents

·       How you can become recognised for the nurturing care you offer

Dr Kathryn Peckham is an Early Childhood Consultant, researcher, author and founder of Nurturing Childhoods.  An online source of knowledge and support to parents and professionals across the globe.  With a PhD looking at the effect of practice on children’s innate desires to learn and the effect this has on their engagement, Kathryn is a leading expert on the nature of early childhood and the experiences children need to prepare them for all of life’s learning.  A world-renowned author and speaker, Kathryn works across disciplines to identify, celebrate and unite nurturing practice in early childhood.

A passionate advocate for children throughout their foundational early years, Kathryn is an active member of global Early Childhood networks.  She conducts research for governments and international organisations, writing curricular for various countries and contributes to industry leading publications and guidance such as Birth to 5 Matters.

With the Nurturing Childhoods Practitioner Accreditation, Setting Accreditation, Master’s Degree and the Nurturing Childhoods Community and Talks for parents, Kathryn really is looking to develop a united approach as together we develop the potential of all our children.

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  • 1 hour 0 minutes


  • 2 Modules
  • Certificate