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  • amy amy

    11 September 2024 at 6:45 pm

    亲这▀•申请学校认证JWU毕业证成绩单+Q微信:3042050007电子版(PDF)约翰逊威尔士大学毕业证成绩单,纸质版案例JWU毕业证成绩单,想购买JWU毕业证成绩单,能办理JWU毕业证成绩单,高仿精品约翰逊威尔士大学毕业证成绩单Buy Fake Johnson & Wales University, Diploma Degree Transcript QQ/微信3042050007
    专业办理毕业证成绩单、留信网学历认证、录取通知书、文学硕士(Master of Arts;MA)和理学硕士(Master of Science;MS、MSc )音乐硕士(Master of Music)、公共行政硕士(Master of Public Administration)、工程硕士(Master of Engineering;MEng)、设计学硕士(Master of Design;Mds)、商学硕士(Master of Commerce;MCom)
    ▶学科类别分为:文学士、理学士、法学士、医学士、农学士、工学士、商学士、社会科学士、艺术学士,和教育学士 “XX 学学士、XX 学硕士、XX 学博士”或“XX 学士、XX 硕士、XX 博士”
    ▶B.Arch. 建筑学学士 Bachelor of Architecture
    ▶Dip.Arch. 建筑学职业深造文凭 Diploma of Architecture
    ▶B.Eng. 工程学学士 Bachelor of Engineering
    ▶B.Sc. 理学士 Bachelor of Science
    ▶B.A. 文学士 Bachelor of Arts
    ▶B.Ed. 教育学士 Bachelor of Education
    ▶LL.B. 法律学学士 Bachelor of Laws
    ▶M.B.B.S. 内外全科医学士 Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery
    ▶Vet.M.B. 兽医学学士 Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine
    ▶Mus.B. 音乐学士 Bachelor of Music
    ▶B.Th. 神学学士 Bachelor of Theology
    ▶Bachelor of General Studies B.G.S. 通识学士
    ▶Bachelor of Architecture B. Arch. 建筑学士
    ▶Bachelor of Arts in Architecture B.A.Arch. 建筑文学士
    ▶Bachelor of Arts B.A. 文学士
    ▶Bachelor of Liberal Studies B.L.S. 文理学士
    ▶Bachelor of Arts in Education B.A.Ed., B.A.E. 教育文学士
    ▶Bachelor of Education B.Ed., B.E. 教育学士
    ▶Bachelor of Science in Education B.S.Ed., B.S.E., B.Sc.Ed. 教育学理学士
    ▶Bachelor of Science B.S., B.Sc. 理学士
    ▶Bachelor of Engineering B.Eng., B.E. 工学士
    ▶Bachelor of Business Administration B.B.A. 工商管理学士
    ▶Bachelor of Science in Engineering B.S.Eng., B.S.E., B.Sc.Eng. 工程学理学士
    ▶Bachelor of Science in Business Administration B.S.B.A. 工商管理学理学士
    ▶Bachelor of Science in Business B.S.B., B.S.Bus., B.Sc.Bus. 商学理学士
    ▶Bachelor of Economics B.Ec. 经济学学士
    ▶Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology B.S.M.T., B.S.Med.Tech., B.Sc.Med.Tech. 医疗技术学理学士
    ▶Bachelor of Science in Nursing B.S.N., B.S.Nur., B.Sc.Nur. 护理学理学士
    ▶Bachelor of Nursing B.Nur., B.N. 护理学士
    ▶Bachelor of Fine Arts B.F.A. 艺术学士
    ▶Bachelor of Music B.M., B.Mus. 音乐学士
    ▶Bachelor of Music Education B.M.Ed., B.M.E. 音乐教育学士
    ▶Bachelor of Design B.Des. 设计学士
    ▶Bachelor of Science in Property Investment B.S.PI., B.Sc.PI. 产业投资学士
    ▶Bachelor of Arts in Social Work B.A.S.W 社会工作文学士
    ▶Bachelor of Science in Social Work B.S.S.W., B.Sc.S.W. 社会工作理学士
    ▶Bachelor of Social Science B.S.Sc., B.Sc.Soc. 社会科学学士
    ▶Bachelor in Social Work B.S.W. 社会工作学士
    ▶Bachelor of Science in Technology B.S.Tech., B.Sc.Tech. 科技学理学士
    ▶Bachelor of Technology B.Tech. 科技学士
    ▶Bachelor of Professional Studies B.P.S. 专业进修学士
    会计和金融专业学位证商科(Business Studies).(MBA).金融(Finance Profession).会计(Accounting).市场营销(Marketing Major).管理学/管理科学(ManagementScience).国际商务(International Business).电子商务(Electronic Commerce、E-Commerce).物流管理(Logistics Management).经济学(Economics).【q微信185572498
    】人力资源管理(Human Resource Management;HRM).数学与应用数学(Mathematics and Applied Mathematics) .信息与计算科学(Informationand Computing Sciences).统计学(Statistics).理工科(Science Technology).计算机工程Computer engineering,机械工程Mechanical engineering,电气工程Electricalengineering,计算机科学Computer science,应用数学Applied mathematics,生物化学Biochemistry,土木工程civil engineering,工业工程Industrial Engineering.生物科学Biological Science,化学专业,物理学(physics).生物医学工程 QQ/微信3042050007
    (Biomedical engineering) .制造工程(Manufacturing engineering)电气工程专业(Electrical Engineering).计算机专业(computer specialty).机械工程
    (Mechanical Engineering,ME).材料工程(Materials Engineering).环境工程(Environmental Engineering) .土木工程(civil engineering) .化学工程(Chemical Engineering).数学和计算机科学专业(数学计算机科学系Departmentof mathematics and computer science).会计(Accounting).精算科学(ActuarialScience).经济学(Economics).金融(Finance Profession).商业管理专业(GeneralBusiness).市场营销(Marketing).公共管理(Public Administration).计算机科学(Computer Science;CS).社会科学(Social Science) .传播学
    (Communication) .心理学(Psychology).教育学(Education).社会学(Sociology).物理学(Physics) .生物科学(Biological Science).美术专业(Art Major) .艺术设计(Art Design)。健康信息管理(Health lnformationManagement).英语语言文学(English Language and Literature) .传播学(Communication studies)

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