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Fit 2 Learn

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Fit 2 Learn




Maximising and maintaining good human development


Tomatis L4 Consultant, NPQH, 10+ years of hands on experience of supporting people of all ages to achieve motor-sensory integration, author of The Maze of Learning Developing Motor Skills.


NPQH, Tomatis L4 Consultant


Supporting many people to the point where they can learn calmly and efficiently. Working with people of all ages. Depending on need that might translate into calm efficient learner, or professional, or improve quality of life in retirement, or get someone back into work who has always struggled with consistent behaviour.


Fit 2 Learn works with people of all ages to remediate problems connected to aspects of development, particularly motor skills, sound processing and visual processing.

Our key goal is to get everyone to motor-sensory integration i.e. the point where motor skills and senses all work together coherently, this is essential to be able to access higher level skills. In a well-developed human this should happen at around 8 years of age. In modern society it is rare. Modern humans need support to achieve full development physically and cognitively. 

Ideally problems should be prevented with a proactive Early Years programme. With the advent of AI, modern environments, and an aging population it has become obvious that there is a need for all people to work on maintaining motor-sensory integration for life.