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Grow Your Mindset




Inspiring and motivating people to be the best version of themselves


Grow your Mindset started as a little project for 2 primary school teachers and Grow Your Mindsets founders, Gemma Sanchez and Elizabeth Cronshaw. ​ As middle leaders, they were asked to look at the lack of resilience that the children at their school were showing. They’d felt it themselves, in their own classrooms. Even with their jazz hands, collaborative learning and creative style to teaching, there was always a handful of kids who found things ‘too hard’, lacked in effort, feared making mistakes and would go into melt down if they didn’t get things right and this sparked a journey, Gemma and Liz would not forget. The journey of Growth Mindset. Grow Your Mindset has gone on to develop a range of programmes and training for schools, businesses and organisations all delivered to the highest possible standard, with a few laughs along the way. Today, they have a small team of associates, who Gemma and Liz collected along their journey. Like minded educators with a passion for making a real difference to people’s thinking, attitudes and beliefs.