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Promoting Excellence Online




"Empower Your Leadership Journey with #ProExOnline: Where Collaboration and Excellence Meet"


"Decades of Collective Wisdom: Our Team's Journey in Education, Business Strategy, and Leadership Training"


"Expertise at a Glance: Our Team's Key Qualifications Andy Heald: MBA with Merit; Level 7 CMI Leadership and Management with Distinction Peter Rushton: BA Hons PGCE, ILM Assessor, Owner and Managing Director of a highly successful Leadership Consultancy with a national reputation. Jackie Christie: BA PGCE Post Grad Certificate in Management; ILM Assessor; Mental Health First Aider Qual., and an Associate Consultant for a highly successful leadership consultancy with a national reputation. All our qualifications blend academic rigor with practical leadership skills, ensuring #ProExOnline delivers top-notch learning experiences."


"Highlights of Our Team's Achievements at #ProExOnline: Peter and Jackie are published authors of over 20 influential leadership and management books and guides for leaders in challenging times. They have also facilitated highly effective leadership support, development and training across a variety of sectors. Led national projects and have demonstrated innovation and inspirational leadership. IAM & ILM Experts. Hands-on experience in recognised leadership frameworks. Educational Leadership Roles – Peter was a former College Principal with three outstanding grades for Leadership and Management, Jackie was a former Senior Manager in two outstanding colleges. Our collective accomplishments reflect our commitment to developing skilled leaders and managers at #ProExOnline."


At Promoting Excellence on line, or Pro-ExOnline, we are an experienced and successful team of specialists – Andy Heald, Peter Rushton and Jackie Christie. We share a passion for guiding and supporting the leaders and managers of today and tomorrow. Our aims include empowering you with essential skills and insights to excel in your role and career.

The commitment to a shared learning and a strong leadership culture is demonstrated by our collaborative approach. Our backgrounds in education, strategic consultancy, business and publications form a firm basis for providing a positive and excellent experience.

We offer thoughtfully designed short courses that address the real challenges that current  and potential leaders and managers face. All our courses and resources are tailored to meet the needs of leaders or managers at all levels and are certificated.

On this journey towards excellence in leadership with Pro-ExOnline we are confident that you will find this an enjoyable and practical experience which will have a significant and positive impact on you and your organisation and your customers.