Deliver our lesson plans and work towards 100% of Early Learning Goals in Communication and Language and Personal, Social, and Emotional Development!

‘Dip into Drama’ is an award-winning drama curriculum in which every lesson provides children with opportunities to work towards 100% of their Early Learning Goals in Communication and Language and Personal, Social, and Emotional Development (EYFS).

With 78 tried-and-tested, easy-to-follow lesson plans and prerecorded training, anyone, no matter what their experience of drama (or if they’re naturally reserved) can quickly learn how to lead imaginative play.

Is there an ongoing cost?

Because ‘Dip into Drama’ includes access to award-winning pre-recorded training, there is an annual fee of £195 to enable any new staff to learn how to deliver the curriculum. If, after 12 months, you have no new staff who require training, you can simply end your subscription, and continue to use the lesson plans without a further fee.

Questions? Just ask! hello@pyjamadrama.com

Example lesson:

The ‘Dip into Drama’ curriculum includes:

  • 78 lesson plans supporting EYFS / Curriculum for Wales / Curriculum for Excellence 

  • Prerecorded training (less than an hour)

  • Music

  • Ongoing support

  • Annual access

Watch Pyjama Drama in action!

Who is this curriculum for?

Anyone working with children aged 2 – 5 years.

What’s included?

  • 78 lesson plans supporting EYFS / Curriculum for Wales / Curriculum for Excellence

  • Prerecorded training (less than an hour)

  • Self/peer reflection document

  • Music

  • Ongoing support

  • Annual access*

    *We know that for many early years setting, staff turnover can be high. Annual access to the curriculum allows all new staff to complete the training that is needed to teach our curriculum effectively. Annual access also pays for ongoing support.  

What is the price?

The cost to access all 78 lesson plans and pre-recorded training is £195 per setting, per year.

If you would prefer to pay on invoice, please email hello@pyjamadrama.com

What will I learn in training?

  • Three Pyjama Drama techniques 

  • How to deliver our 20-min drama lesson plans

What topics are covered in the curriculum?

The curriculum contains 78 individual lessons inspired by the following topics:

All About Me, Animals, Emotions,  Festivals and Celebrations, Friends and Family, Much Loved Characters, Mythical Characters, People Who Help Us, Physical Health, Seasons and Life Cycles, Toys and Games, Transport, Who Lives in the Garden?

What happens in a lesson?

In each lesson, children play a drama game that takes place in an imaginary world, e.g., at the vet’s, in the ocean, at school, in space, or in the rainforest. They take on different roles, learn new songs and rhymes, dance, move, and share their thoughts, feelings, and ideas.

How long is a lesson?

Each lesson is structured in exactly the same way and is designed to last approx. 20-mins.

What’s the recommended number of children in each lesson?

There is no set recommended number. Space permitting, you can successfully teach 1 or 31 children!

How do I access the lesson plans and the training?

When you buy the curriculum, you will create an account and gain immediate access to the training videos and lesson plans.

What skills will my children develop?

Everything we do at Pyjama Drama develops children’s life skills e.g.: problem-solving, critical thinking, communication, decision-making, creative thinking, interpersonal skills, self-awareness, empathy, coping with stress, and dealing with emotions.

Do I have to be good at drama to deliver the curriculum?

‘Dip into Drama’ is award-winning, and we pride ourselves on creating training and resources that anyone can deliver—from the most theatrical among us to those more reserved. If you can pull a funny face and make a child laugh or put on different voices when reading a story, you are already good at drama!

How does ‘Dip into Drama’ support the EYFS?

In every lesson, there are opportunities for children to work towards 100% of their ELGs in both Communication and language and Personal, social, and emotional development.  

How does ‘Dip into Drama’ support the Curriculum for Wales?

Deliver ‘Dip into Drama’ and provide opportunities for children to develop knowledge, skills, and understanding across all areas, specifically: Health and Well-being (100% of progression steps) Languages, Literacy and communication (57% of progression steps) Expressive Arts (72% of progression steps)

How does ‘Dip into Drama’ support Curriculum for Excellence?

Deliver ‘Dip into Drama’ and help children develop skills to become:

  • Successful learners

  • Confident individuals

  • Responsible citizens

  • Effective contributors

Is there ongoing support?

Absolutely. When you purchase ‘Dip into Drama’ you will automatically join our online support group where you can ask questions, seek advice, and offer support to other practitioners delivering our curriculum. 

Questions? Just ask! hello@pyjamadrama.com

About Instructor

+72 enrolled
Not Enrolled
  • £195


  • 0 hours 55 minutes


  • 5 Modules
  • 20 Lessons
  • Certificate