Dip into Drama PLUS

Only £245 for a two-year preschool drama curriculum with online training, and bespoke CPD for your team

Learn how to lead children in imaginative play and how to create a more positive learning environment using simple drama techniques. Never plan another drama activity yourself again!

Lifetime access to ‘Dip into Drama PLUS’ includes:

  • Initial training for your team (webinar, one-hour)
  • A two-year curriculum (78 lesson plans)
  • Online training (19 short videos)
  • Comprehensive documents linking to EYFS (England) / Curriculum for Wales / Curriculum for Excellence (Scotland)
  • Ongoing support

Five important things about the ‘Dip into Drama’ curriculum

  1. The curriculum contains 78 lesson plans. We call them ‘adventure plans’ because every lesson is really a 20-min adventure!
  2. In every lesson, children play a drama game that takes place in a different imaginary world e.g.: on the farm, in space, at the seaside, in the jungle, or in a busy office
  3. The curriculum comes with online training – watch short training videos and quickly learn how to teach powerful drama lessons
  4. The curriculum is organised into 13 different topics (six lessons per topic):

    All About Me, Animals, Emotions, Festivals and Celebrations, Friends and Family, Much Loved Characters, Mythical Characters, People Who Help Us, Physical Health, Seasons and Life Cycles, Toys and Games, Transport, Who Lives in the Garden?

  5. The curriculum is flexible – choose a topic and deliver all six lessons sequentially, or ‘dip into’ the curriculum and deliver different stand-alone lessons whenever and wherever you like!

Watch Pyjama Drama in action!

Is the training online?

Yes, training is in two parts:

  1. Initial training (one hour): Webinar delivered by an experienced trainer at a time to suit you and your team.
  2. Online training (55 mins): 19 sort training videos hosted on this platform.

What will I learn in training?

In your initial training you will learn:

  1. How drama and imaginative play helps children develop their key skills
  2. Two powerful techniques that will encourage children to follow instructions first time

In your online training you will learn:

  1. How to ignite children’s imaginations using three Pyjama Drama techniques
  2. How to deliver our 20-min drama lesson plans, using our techniques
  3. How delivering the ‘Dip into Drama’ curriculum will help you meet the current requirements of the EYFS (England), Curriculum for Excellence (Scotland), and Curriculum for Wales

Is there any limit on numbers for the initial training and how do I book?

There is no limit to the number of practitioners per setting for this training. Please purchase by clicking ‘Buy Now’ and we will be in touch within 24 hours to arrange your initial training and get you access to the ‘Dip into Drama’ curriculum. If you’d rather pay on invoice, simply email rachel@pyjamadramalearning.com

What skills will my children develop when I deliver the curriculum?

Everything we do at Pyjama Drama develops children’s life skills e.g.: problem-solving, critical thinking, communication, decision-making, creative thinking, interpersonal skills, self-awareness, empathy, coping with stress, and dealing with emotions.

What topics are covered in the curriculum?

The curriculum contains 78 individual lessons inspired by the following topics:

All About Me, Animals, Emotions,  Festivals and Celebrations, Friends and Family, Much Loved Characters, Mythical Characters, People Who Help Us, Physical Health, Seasons and Life Cycles, Toys and Games, Transport, Who Lives in the Garden?

What happens in a lesson?

In each lesson, children play a drama game that takes place in a different imaginary world – at the vet’s, in the ocean, at school, in space, or in the rainforest for example. They take on different roles, learn new songs and rhymes, dance and move, and share their thoughts, feelings, and ideas. Each lesson is structured in exactly the same way and is designed to last approx. 20-minutes.

What’s the recommended number of children in each lesson?

The is no set recommended number. Space permitting, you can successfully teach large groups of up to 30 children, and even a single child will benefit from playing with their favourite adult!

Do I have to be good at drama to deliver the curriculum?

‘Dip into Drama’ is award-winning, and we pride ourselves on creating training and resources that anyone can deliver – from the most theatrical among us to those more reserved. And remember, if you can pull a funny face and make a child laugh, or put on different voices when reading a story, you already are good at drama!

How does the ‘Dip into Drama’ curriculum support the EYFS?

Deliver ‘Dip into Drama’ and provide children with opportunities to work towards their Early Learning Goals in all Areas of Learning. In every lesson, there are opportunities for children to work towards 100% of their ELGs in both Communication and Language and Personal, Social, and Emotional Development

How does ‘Dip into Drama’ support the Curriculum for Wales?

Deliver ‘Dip into Drama’ and provide opportunities for children to develop knowledge, skills, and understanding across all areas, specifically:

Health and Well-being (100% of progression steps)

Languages, Literacy and communication (57% of progression steps)

Expressive Arts (72% of progression steps)

How does ‘Dip into Drama’ support Curriculum for Excellence?

Deliver the ‘Dip into Drama’ curriculum and provide children with opportunities to contribute to all four capacities, developing key skills that help them become:

  • Successful learners
  • Confident individuals
  • Responsible citizens
  • Effective contributors

Is there ongoing support?

Absolutely. When you purchase the ‘Dip into Drama PLUS’ you will automatically join our online support group where you can ask questions, seek advice, and offer support to other practitioners delivering our curriculum.

What other training and resources are available?

Browse our full offering, from our online courses to regular training opportunities and anti-bullying curricula for primary schools here.


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