

Having a baby is the most amazing and life changing thing that will ever happen to you, and I have no doubt that you are spending much of your time on the internet, deciding which books to buy, all while getting the nursery ready for your little ones arrival.

You have most likely booked your antenatal classes, and if you are looking at trying hypnobirthing you have probably started your course.

You have probably decided what type of birth you are having, and what pain relief you want or don’t want, and have starting getting your hospital bag ready.

But have you thought much past this?

Have you thought about how it will feel to arrive home with this little baby, look at them and think ‘what now?’.

Probably not, because this isn’t really talked about. The focus for you right now is heavily on the birth itself.

Unfortunately, this is the mistake so many of us make, including myself before I had my eldest.

I knew what birth I wanted, I knew I was going to breastfeed, I went to the NCT classes and read so many books, I thought I was so prepared…until I wasn’t.

When the birth didn’t go to plan, breastfeeding was a battle, and sleep was in short supply, I realised I hadn’t been prepared for anything, and this is something that has to change.

I had my second daughter days before lockdown, and I saw social media filled with new and expectant parents who were struggling due to even less support than I had. This triggered me to set up a support group on Facebook that ended up with over 6000 parents in all getting support they couldn’t get anywhere else.

This has been the driver behind me creating this course.

Making support accessible to everyone who needs it starting in pregnancy and helping them navigate those complex days, weeks and months that follow after having a baby.

This course has been created with the busy parent in mind so you can take me anywhere with you. You will have links to experts at your fingertips, you will learn from other experts and you will get the chance to get the best start to your parenting journey.

No-one can prepare you for the reality of parenthood, but we can give you the best chance possible and help empower you to make decisions with confidence.

Here is what a few parents have said about this course:

‘I felt empowered by Nicole’s videos. she makes me feel like ‘I’ve got this, I can do this, and everything is going to be OK’. Sophie


‘I loved it, it’s really good for first time mums to start in pregnancy. I found it really helpful and learnt a lot. I loved how it goes into detail about baby development in pregnancy and at newborn stage’. Kerri


‘No-one fully prepares you for what to expect and what is to come, but Nicole has put me at ease by explaining in simple terms how to tackle certain situations any parents will be faced with’. Emma


‘The videos are informative, concise and can be accessed on the go. The information is conveyed in a kind, friendly and reassuring way and easy to dip and out of. I now have a much deeper understanding of my babies needs and how to meet them. I’m now much better rested and calmer as a result.’ Amanda


Celebrities and influencers have also used the course:


‘I wish I had known about her (Nicole) before I got pregnant to educate myself on everything we should actually be taught about our babies and how to navigate life as a new parent. Any expectant mums/dads out there, I highly recommend’ Sophie Danvers (model)


‘She (Nicole) is keen to pre-empt problems by arming you with all the knowledge up front but there to help you find solutions when you need them. If you are worried about your baby’s sleep (and if you are ever going to again) then I highly recommend speaking to Nicole and taking advantage of all she has to offer’ Jessica Fox (actress)


Course materials will be available once you have enrolled on this course.

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