Pre-Order The Balance Subscription

The Balance Box Subscription

Not enough time for you? Join the Balance subscription, and get support in implementing one proven work-life balance strategy a month to reduce anxiety and switch off guilt-free.


Your mind is racing with the never-ending to-do list. Everyone else’s needs always come first. Working 60+ hour weeks planning and marking at home, the workload is ridiculous, and that doesn’t even include the things that need to be done at home.

The house is a mess and you are feeling so guilty you don’t spend enough time with loved ones as it is, the pressure from above means there is just no time to switch off even if you could.


I used to feel the same. The family would say to me, ‘Annabel you work too hard’, ‘Are you still working’ and the best one that used to have me screwing up my fists ‘Annabel you are missing out on life’.

Yet, as much as people would say these things to me I would always think, ‘well if I don’t do it, who will?’

I liked to be in control of everything. I needed to know things were done properly and to a high standard otherwise it wasn’t worth doing it.

Until time and time again I would be back in burnout and being forced to stop. Not out of choice but because my body would say, ‘Enough is enough’.

When doctors prescribed me anti-depressants and told me they couldn’t help me as it was stress-related, I realised I had to help myself. I didn’t want to take medication. Instead, I pinned the prescription to my noticeboard and swore I would find another way.


Thankfully, I did and I have never felt healthier, happier, and more present than I do now. It took me 10 years to change my mindset and heal my body from burnout because back then I had little time and money to invest in myself. That is why at Balance for Teachers we have successfully supported Teachers actively in the education industry to create a work-life balance by keeping things simple but effective.


Here is what is included in The Balance Subscription

Each month you are registered you will receive our signature Balance Box including:

  • A proven work-life balance strategy card on one of the six pillars of anxiety reduction and stress relief to help you feel calmer and more confident.
  • A me-time gift to reward yourself for implementing the strategy of the month.
  • Access code to a recorded deep dive explanation of the strategy of the month that you can access at your convenience.Bonus
  • Access to The Balance Box Subscription group with like-minded educators creating a work-life balance to inspire and motivate you to put yourself first.
  • Access to monthly live Q & A to be supported in your journey by qualified professionals for faster results.


Pre-order for the January 2024 launch today

(Closing date 15th December 2023)

Cancel anytime by emailing 14 days before your next payment is due.


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