Hope when it’s Hopeless


Learn how to find, grow and sustain hope for yourself and those you support.

Hope. The only thing that through giving away you gain more of.

This short course consists of 2 Parts or Modules and comes complete with reflective activities and worksheets that are adaptable to your classroom setting and the Key Stage you work with.

We hear the word ‘hope’ more and more recently but can we help children and young people to find hope? Is hope teachable?


Hope when it’s Hopeless will give you a grounding in the academic understanding of Hope (Part 1) and then use this as a building block to suggest practical, applicable activities that use everyday objects and resources (Part 2).

You can watch this short video on how Hope when it’s Hopeless meets the DFE Teachers Professional Development Standards.

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This course has been created by Emma Sithole. Emma is currently studying her PhD at the University of Birmingham in Hope and mental health recovery. She has Lived Experience of a mental illness and also working within the mental health sector for the NHS. Emma founded and runs The Recovery Foundation a registered mental health charity providing hope, support and training to individuals and organisations.


Course materials will be available once you have enrolled on this course.


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  • £40

    Licence Deals

    Purchase between 5 - 20 licences for just £35 per licence.
    Purchase between 21 - 50 licences for just £30 per licence.


  • 2 hours 0 minutes


  • 2 Modules
  • 2 Lessons
  • Certificate