Developing Lifelong Learners
Having introduced the Features of Lifelong Learning in School Readiness… Or Lifelong Learning, this course will take your explorations of these key features to the next level as we look at embedding practice with your babies and toddlers, as well as with children in their years before school.
16 sessions will take each of the features and consider…
Why it is important for each age group.
It will look at how you can develop it with a focus on each stage of development.
It will offer suggestions for delivery and practice.
And will explore the experiences you need to offer children for these features to take root.
As well as offering lots of practical advice, you will also be given handouts for your parents. To help you in communicating this rich practice, these will explore the importance of each of the features with links to their importance during later stages of learning.
You will also be linked to a course Community Group where you can share your developments with others and get some great ideas in return.
How you can use this course
Enroll the full staff team as you enable a unified approach throughout the setting. Each lesson will offer advice and support for your babies, toddlers and older children, often crossing age boundaries as children benefit from the social interactions that are possible.
The worksheets, handouts and posters provided in the course materials will support you in your new approaches – and in communicating this with your parents and visitors to your setting. And with tie-in courses available for parents, and further training and accreditations for you, these sessions will support you to embrace and celebrate the deep rooted learning going on in your setting.
Getting to know the standards and the benefits of MyCPD

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Underpinned by the DfE Professional Development Standards, each session is structured to offer you the knowledge, understanding and support you need to re-examine your practice with confidence. With activities for you to work through, and questions to challenge your current thinking, it will help you to reflect. As you work through the sessions and participate in discussions in the Community Groups you will come to realise the practices you need to celebrate – and gain the help you need to challenge others.
Getting to know Dr Kathryn Peckham

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