Optimising Nutrition on a budget and navigating the food landscape

Optimising Nutrition on a Budget

Ensuring early years nutrition can still be met on tight finances

In the world of childcare and early education, ensuring that young children receive the best possible nutrition is a fundamental responsibility. However, balancing the need for wholesome meals with budget constraints can be a daunting task.

This course has been designed to empower early years professionals with the knowledge and practical strategies needed to provide nutritious, well-balanced meals to children in a cost-effective manner.

Understanding the Food Landscape & the role of UPF’s (Ultra Processed Foods):

  • Examining the current health scenario
  • A generation is facing dire predictions for physical and mental health
  • There’s unsettling forecasts of reduced life expectancy based on lifestyle factors of which, nutrition has a key role
  • Unpacking the role of UPF’s in our food culture
  • Revealing their profound impact on health
  • Equipping you with strategies to navigate their constant bombardment


Menu Planning on a Budget:

  • Mastering the art of budget-conscious menu planning
  • Safely implementing food swaps to suit your financial constraints
  • Maximizing nutrition for crucial childhood development

Get ready to embark on an exciting journey, armed with knowledge, and empowered to make a positive impact on the health and future of the children in your care!

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