CPD Booster – Birth to 5 Matters


CPD Booster – Birth to 5 Matters

Birth to 5 Matters is one of my CPD Booster sessions – these shorter sessions are designed to offer you some quick inspiration or targeted support in specific areas of your practice.

In this session then we will be looking at the new, non-statutory guidance Birth to 5 Matters and getting to know the benefits and scope of this comprehensive guidance. Drawing on previous guidance for the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), Birth to 5 Matters was written by the sector, for the sector, and having led one of the specialist writing teams, I look forward to taking you through this comprehensive resource.

So please, click on the course and the free downloads it contains and lets get started.

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How you can use this session

Rather than the setting-wide development programmes of some of my other courses, these CPD Boosters can be purchased for a smaller number of targeted staff with a particular interest in the area it covers or a job title that would make it specifically relevant to them.

You may have a parents evening coming up where this will be your area of focus, some issues within the nursery that you need some quick guidance in or its simply time for appraisals and you need to plug those gaps!

“Guidance by the sector, for the sector”

Birth to 5 Matters is a non-statutory guidance that can be used alongside the EYFS, supporting practice and delivering on its requirements and responsibilities. To do this effectively, a series of consultations looked to understand the needs and concerns of the industry, gaining feedback from practitioners, academics and leaders of practice.

The result of this process is a comprehensive set of resources that reflect current research, and meet the needs of practitioners. It is written to respond to current issues in society, to meet the needs of children today and to lay a strong foundation for their futures.

Reaffirming core principles and recognising young children at the centre of all we do

It will help you as you consider the experiences you offer children, supporting all areas of their learning and development. Offering guidance and support as they make progress toward their Early Learning Goals (ELGs), but also laying the foundations as they develop themselves as a lifelong learner.

More than simply a set of recommended activities to follow

In this CPD Booster course I will introduce you to the comprehensive range of free materials that are available through Birth to 5. I will help you to understand the purpose of them and the ways in which they were intended to be used. And I will look at the range of support that is offered to enhance your practice.

And of course, offer you lots of support in delivering this throughout your setting.

Getting to know the standards and the benefits of MyCPD

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Underpinned by the DfE Professional Development Standards, each session is structured to offer you the knowledge, understanding and support you need to re-examine your practice with confidence.  With activities for you to work through, and questions to challenge your current thinking, it will help you to reflect. As you work through the sessions and participate in discussions in the Community Groups you will come to realise the practices you need to celebrate – and gain the help you need to challenge others.

Further CPD Training

This CPD-Booster is part of a range of online CPD and accreditations that explore what it means to nurture children in their early years.

And from SEPTEMBER 2022 you can become a Nurturing Childhoods Practitioner with an accreditation that recognises and celebrates nurturing practice throughout early childhood.

For more details on all the courses and programmes offered by Nurturing Childhoods, for you, your parents and your school, visit Nurturing Childhoods where together we can develop every child’s full potential.

Getting to know Dr Kathryn Peckham

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Course materials will be available once you have enrolled on this course.

[{"id":33347,"filename":"Birthto5Matters-download.pdf","name":"Birth to 5 Matters - PDF to download","type":"pdf","url":"https://assets.mycpdgroup.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/30080338/Birthto5Matters-download.pdf"}]


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