School Readiness… Or Lifelong Learning?
The course to compliment the book
As a practitioner, manager and director of early years settings, my biggest frustration was being asked to expect things of children that they simply were not ready for. Not only did I see this denting their confidence and causing great frustrations for all involved, but it also took time away from all the important things they needed to be doing. Does this sound familiar to you?
Struggling to find an alternative approach, I was asked to write a book about it… and now, following the success of these approaches here and abroad, is the accompanying course.
School readiness is a tricky thing to talk about in the early years. On the one hand, we value these years as something separate to school and yet, with studies showing that when children attend a ‘quality setting’ they do so much better when they make that transition, thoughts can become focused on what it means to be prepared for school.
And – while this is often misunderstood and misused – it is absolutely true that the experiences children are receiving in these foundational years impact their growth and development tremendously, with knock on effects felt throughout their education and on into adult life. School readiness is then a very keen interest of parents concerned about giving their child the absolute best start – and is typically a key factor within inspections and management objectives.
But let’s think about this for a moment. Young children are eager to learn new skills – whether this is learning to walk, to talk or get their hands on any exciting experience. Why is it then, that when classroom learning begins, this love of learning and enquiry can diminish? Those early characteristics – or features of prolonged learning – such as motivation, curiosity and independence can quickly turn to doubt, disengagement and indifference?
And why is it that we are so keen to rush children headlong into this change?
Would a better question not be “How do we identify these features in our children – from birth – and value them, nurture them and help our children to utilise them?”
How you can use this course
Enroll the full staff team as you enable a unified approach throughout the setting. With modules that focus on the baby, toddler and preschool ages, your approach will be focused, supported and advertised to all key players.

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Worksheets, handouts and posters are also provided in the course materials to support you in your new approaches – and in communicating this with your parents and visitors to your setting. And with tie-in courses available for parents, and further training and accreditations for you, these sessions will support you to embrace school readiness – not as preparation for the classroom – but as a lifelong process of learning and a love of enquiry that is the right of every child.
This CPD course will help you to re-examine your understanding of school readiness and equip you to change – or celebrate – your settings approach. As you send your children off to school knowing they are ready and eager to continue learning, with the confidence and motivation they need to really flourish.
Getting to know the standards and the benefits of MyCPD

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Underpinned by the DfE Professional Development Standards, each session is structured to offer you the knowledge, understanding and support you need to re-examine your practice with confidence. With activities for you to work through, and questions to challenge your current thinking, it will help you to reflect. As you work through the sessions and participate in discussions in the Community Groups you will come to realise the practices you need to celebrate – and gain the help you need to challenge others.
Further CPD Training
This course is part of a range of online CPD and accreditations that explore what it means to nurture children in their early years.
And from SEPTEMBER 2022 you can become a Nurturing Childhoods Practitioner with an accreditation that recognises and celebrates nurturing practice throughout early childhood.
For more details on all the courses and programmes offered by Nurturing Childhoods, for you, your parents and your school, visit Nurturing Childhoods where together we can develop every child’s full potential.
Getting to know Dr Kathryn Peckham

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Course materials will be available once you have enrolled on this course.